Writing Tips

Articles from our resident translator and writing expert.
How to structure a blog post for SEO and readability thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
November 13, 2020

How to structure a blog post for SEO and readability

Knowing how to structure a blog post is a skill of its own. Much like any kind of writing, there are a set of rules you must follow if you want to optimise SEO and make sure people find the article easy to read. You can't just go on a 50 paragraph stream-of-consciousness rant - even if you're able to! You need to get concise. And today I'll go through how to do just that. How important is bold text? Contrary to popular belief, bold keywords - or any bold text for that matter -

Google Docs: 3 reasons why it's the best word processor out there for the modern user thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
June 26, 2020

Google Docs: 3 reasons why it's the best word processor out there for the modern user

Google Docs has a lot up against it. Microsoft Office, despite its high price tag, has held the monopoly over the word processing world for as long as I can remember. But with 'working' and 'online' now being more synonymous than ever, free online word processors are growing in popularity and challenging the status quo. Despite being a writer by trade, my taste in word processors is historically pretty standard. 'Word' was my daily driver for years, before being replaced with the less swish (but free) 'WPS Writer', and nothing e

Writing Tips for Non-Writers 2: How to Write an 'About Me' Page thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
April 20, 2020

Writing Tips for Non-Writers 2: How to Write an 'About Me' Page

Want to add a personal touch to your business? Is your blog or portfolio missing that friendly element? Then an 'About Me' page is something worth exploring. Today, we'll go through how to write an 'About Me' page without being corny. 1. Decide how important your story is to your brand. If you're reading this, you probably work solo (or as part of a small team like Ironeko). In that case, you can afford to attach your own story and personality to your brand. Is there an in

Writing Tips for Non-Writers 1: How to Write a Professional Email thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
April 15, 2020

Writing Tips for Non-Writers 1: How to Write a Professional Email

Want to know how to write a professional email that your staff will actually read? Looking to leave a more personable impression in business? Or simply improve your written communication skills? This is the article for you. 1. Mix up your sentence lengths Like speech, text flows better when the recipient isn't being bombarded with long sentence after long sentence. There are many reasons for this. For example, notice how in my intro for this article, the shortest, snappiest sentence comes at the end.

Why Every Business Should Hire a Writer thumbnail
Evie Dillon-Riley
March 30, 2020

Why Every Business Should Hire a Writer

If we know illustrations need illustrators, designs need designers, and code needs programmers, why don't we acknowledge that words (if we want them done well) need writers? Today we'll go through why hiring a writer can be so vital. Job descriptions are important In a city full of coders, tech aficionados and designers, I know a fair few people working in design, programming and general IT. But these jobs are not always what they seem. Indeed, to their surprise, these people often end up being given their company's writing jobs too, even if it's not within their ski